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Mirjam Koster-Wentink and Maaike Krom have been appointed as Board Members of NVAO

The Committee of Ministers (Dutch and Flemish ministers responsible for higher education) has appointed Mrs M. Koster-Wentink MA and Ms M. Krom for a period of four years on the nomination of Minister Van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science with effect from 1 November 2020 as a Member of the Board of the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). Mrs Koster-Wentink succeeds Mr J. Tuijtel, who stepped down at the end of 2019 for health reasons. Ms. Krom is the successor of Ms. JA Rip MSc who is stepping down as a student member of the Board.

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Cooperation Agreement between AACSB and NVAO

NVAO and AACSB International signed a renewed cooperation agreement for the duration of the current quality assurance system in Flanders (until 2025). This guarantees that all of the external assessments in Flanders by AACSB are carried out in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

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NVAO assesses higher education in Luxembourg (again)

At the beginning of this year, the Flemish branch of the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) assessed the LUNEX University in Luxembourg and four of its programmes. The assessment reports have now been sent to the Luxembourg Ministry of Higher Education and Research, which takes an accreditation decision. It is not the first time that Luxembourg recruits the NVAO to assess the quality of its higher education.

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ENQA case example: what NVAO (Flanders) has learned from a pandemic crisis

Although restrictions are being gradually relaxed in Belgium and we restarted our review processes in Flanders on 8 June 2020, higher education will probably never quite be the same again. As we emerge from this crisis, reflection is still needed. Therefore, we deliberately continue to redesign our way of working and make it future-proof. This case example that we wrote for ENQA describes our actions in Flanders to maintain quality assurance during challenging times: from online dialogues and hybrid site visits as an additional tool in our toolkit to accelerating the development of an online training platform.

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LONGREAD > A EUniQ partnership to kickstart a European QA framework for European Universities

NVAO has always been an active supporter of the Bologna Process and cross-border European Higher Education, even now, or especially now, in times of an international Covid-19 crisis. The recently launched European Universities are the new stars in the European galaxy. To provide support for these alliances between higher education institutions across Europe, the partners of the EUniQ project are currently working on developing a European quality assurance framework. A logical move, though one that involves many aspects and stakeholders.

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Swedish exploration of Flanders, välkommen!

How staff-mobility encourages new perspectives on quality assurance: NVAO (FL) and UKÄ (SE) share ideas and insights.

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