Institutions and programmes may have the quality of their internationalisation efforts assessed by independent, international experts. A positive conclusion entitles programmes to apply to NVAO for the distinctive feature of internationalisation. Both institutions and programmes may apply to ECA for the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation (CeQuInt).
In 2009-2010, NVAO drew up a framework for the assessment of the quality of internationalisation, with the help of internationalisation experts. Initially, the framework only covered programmes; several years later, it was expanded to include institutions. Such assessments are conducted on a voluntary basis and may qualify programmes for the allocation of a distinctive quality feature. In the period 2012-2016, NVAO coordinated an ECA project aimed at enabling institutions in other countries to also have the quality of their internationalisation efforts assessed by independent experts. This project resulted in the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation (CeQuInt), which has been awarded by ECA since 2015. Institutions and programmes may apply for this ECA Certificate by sending an email, following an assessment by NVAO or another ECA member organisation.

Infodesk Team Nederland The Netherlands