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Online Paper Presentation: "Quality Assurance of European Universities Alliances: Aligning QA and student Involvement"

Join Us for an Exclusive Online Event by NVAO Flanders! Discover insights from our paper presented at EQAF 2023 in Aveiro, Portugal. We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive online paper presentation by Dagmar Provijn and Mark Frederiks. Dive...

Open application

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Overview report: Bachelor of Nursing

QUALITY THROUGH RESILIENCE & INNOVATION; THESE ARE THE FLEMISH BACHELOR PROGRAMMES IN NURSING NVAO has confidence in the quality of the Bachelor's degree programmes in Nursing. This is evident from the overview report published by NVAO on the...

Thanks to WFME Recognition of NVAO, doctors will retain access to the US after 2023

The Accreditation Organisation of The Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) has been awarded the WFME Recognition Status as the first quality assurance organisation in the European Union.

Training session in Georgia

Early September, NVAO organized a three-day training session at the request of the European University, a private university in Tbilisi, Georgia. 

New Flemish Quality Assurance System launched

A well-attended la well-attended launch event in Brussels kicked off the new Quality Assurance System for the Flemish higher education.aunch event in Brussels kicked off the new Quality Assurance System for the Flemish higher education.

The quality assurance system of Flanders

The Quality Assurance System – Flanders 2019-2025 focuses on the quality of individual programmes and its accountability. This is achieved either through the institutional review that enables universities and universities of applied sciences to ac...

International strategy

From its earliest days, NVAO has assigned high priority to internationalisation. This follows as a matter of course from both the binary nature of the organisation and the international focus of Dutch and Flemish higher education. In its Strategy ...

Bologna Process

The Bologna Process commenced in 1999. Ever since, the Ministers responsible for higher education of all the countries of the European Higher Education Area (currently 48) meet every other year to collectively make agreements. These agreements are...

European projects & networks

In which international networks of quality assurance agencies is NVAO involved?


Initial Accreditation
The Netherlands

Institutions that are recognised by the Dutch Minister of Education, Science and Culture are eligible for initial accreditation of their programmes.

Transnational education (programmes abroad)
The Netherlands

Dutch higher education institutions may provide programmes abroad (transnational education) (Dutch Bulletin of Acts, Orders, and Decrees 2018-152). Following approval, they may confer Dutch degrees upon completion of such programmes abroad.

Recognition of new higher education institution (legal entity providing higher education)
The Netherlands

Organisations wishing to provide recognised education need to be recognised as a legal entity providing higher education. A legal entity providing higher education is a legal body with full legal rights, which has been authorised by the Dutch Mini...

Initial accreditation

The registered institutions for higher education, the institutions for post-initial education, scientific research and academic services, the Faculty for Protestant Theology in Brussels, and the Evangelical Theological Faculty in Heverlee are peri...


Letter part-time programmes: NVAO and the Inspectorate
February 2019

It is not always clear for (new) students how long a part-time or dual programme lasts. You will find below the letter from NVAO and the Inspectorate towards higher education institutions. The letter also describes the legal principles. The lette...

A EUniQ partnership to kickstart a European QA framework for European Universities
June 2020

NVAO has been paving the way for a European quality assurance framework for years now and is proud to coordinate the EUniQ project on behalf of the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training. It is up to the EUniQ consortium to think ahead and pro...

Code of Ethics - Flanders
September 2020

NVAO Flanders' Code of Ethics bundles the rules of conduct and guidelines for panel members in NVAO's assessment procedures. This code applies to all persons who perform tasks on behalf of NVAO in the capacity of "panel member". By signing this co...

Flemish QA System: Understanding the context, creating evidence through an appreciative dialogue
November 2020

On September 1, 2019, the new Flemish system of quality assurance (QA) was launched. QA in Flanders took two major steps forward. Assessment of individual programmes made way for a review at the institutional level. Besides, the traditional focus ...

Report Process Evaluation Quality Agreements
March 2021

“Collectively drawing up the plans for the investments in the quality of education was a treat,” or so the researchers were told repeatedly during the interviews that were conducted in the purview of this study. This is perhaps the main yield of t...

National Picture of the Quality Agreements
March 2021

With this memorandum, NVAO provides an overview at sector level of the plans submitted, the intended use of the resources and the assessment of the plans. Three important conclusions or observations emerge from the report. 

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