NVAO monitors the quality of higher education in Flanders.The principle of the Flemish quality assurance system is that accountability is given for the quality of programmes.Below you will find all Flemish procedures.
Universities and university colleges are themselves responsible for ensuring the quality of their programmes. However, a new programme must first be recognised and, after a few years, attain its first programme accreditation. In an initial accredi...
Programme accreditation customised to own conduct
#institutions with institutional review
Universities and university colleges are themselves responsible for ensuring the quality of their programmes. However, before a university or university college may conduct such assurance, a programme that has been recognised as new must attain pr...
Institutional review
#institutions with institutional review
All the institutions in Flanders that are recognised as a university college or university are periodically subjected to an institutional review. The institutional review assesses whether a higher education institution pursues its educational poli...
Initial accreditation
#institutions without institutional review
The registered institutions for higher education, the institutions for post-initial education, scientific research and academic services, the Faculty for Protestant Theology in Brussels, and the Evangelical Theological Faculty in Heverlee are peri...
Programme accreditation
#institutions without institutional review
The registered institutions for higher education, the institutions for post-initial education, scientific research and academic services, the Faculty for Protestant Theology in Brussels, and the Evangelical Theological Faculty in Heverlee are held...
Comprehensive initial accreditation
#non-recognised institutions
Non-recognised providers of education may be registered by the Flemish Government as a provider of recognised higher education. Such registration is based on a registration dossier and a positive decision by NVAO regarding the (potential) quality ...
System-wide analysis
#all institutions
System-wide analyses are intended to share good practices within the higher education community. The institutions thus learn from one another, specifically with respect to issues relating to educational policy and programme quality. System-wide an...
International joint programmes
#all institutions
In the Flemish quality assurance system, joint programmes that award joint degrees need to apply the European Approach when they are assessed.
Modification of study load
#institutions with institutional review
Universities and university colleges may expand existing master’s programmes from 60 to 90 or 120 credits, or reduce their study load from 90 or 120 credits to 60 or 90 credits. To this end, they must apply to the Flemish Government, that subseque...
Research Master’s Programme
#institutions with institutional review
Universities and university colleges may organise a Research Master’s programme carrying 120 credits. This involves an expansion of an existing 60-credit master’s programme within the same discipline. To set up such a programme, institutions must ...