The project partners

The EUniQ partnership includes eight QA agencies, six HE ministries, and the European stakeholders associations EUA, ESU, and ENQA. The project will integrate its activities into the work and schedule of the Bologna Peer Support Group on QA.

The National Authority that applied for this project is the Flemish ministry for education and training . The NVAO acts as the project coordinator responsible for the implementation of the project. NVAO and the Flemish ministry will cooperate intensively to ensure the success of this project. Drawing on their own experience and strengths, both will take up a leading role in the project. NVAO will be the lead partner among the QA agencies, chairing the Roadmap Group. The Roadmap Group, with the QA agencies and stakeholder organisations, is the main management and decision-making instrument of the project. The Flemish ministry will be the lead partner among the ministries, chairing the Resonance Group. The Resonance Group, consisting of ministries, will guide, monitor and evaluate the work of the Roadmap Group. Both groups will hold project meetings when the Peer Support Group on QA organises their meetings. The Peer Support Group on QA will be able to monitor the project's progress and the actual achievement of the project's proposed milestones.

Four of the eight QA agencies are from countries in the Peer Support Group on QA with a fully developed QA System and which can use the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes. The other four QA agencies are from countries in the Peer Support Group in QA with a QA system which is considered in development and which cannot use the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes. (Source: Bologna implementation report 2018).

There is a similar rationale behind the combination of ministries. Three of the six ministries are from countries in the Peer Support Group in QA with a fully developed QA System and which cannot use the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes. Two other ministries are from countries in the Peer Support Group in QA with a QA system which is considered in development and which can use the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes. The final ministry is Flanders, the leading co-chair of the Peer Support Group in QA.

The project partners expect to facilitate policy discussions around 'European Universities' by having paved the way for both internal and external QA of these universities