NVAO supports proposal of Minister Van Engelshoven (Education) to introduce Institutional Accreditation in Quality Assurance for11/02/2021

In a letter to outgoing Minister Van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science, NVAO expresses support for the Minister's proposal to further develop the accreditation system in higher education through the ownership of the universities and university colleges at strengthen the system. NVAO is in favor of introducing a system of institutional accreditation for all recognized institutions (public and private) in higher education


The Dutch quality assurance system is ready for the next phase. NVAO is also of the opinion that after the past five assessment cycles since 1990 and the introduction of the accreditation system in 2002, Dutch higher education institutions can be enabled to assess their own programs in accordance with European guidelines (European Standards and Guidelines). In its letter, NVAO makes a number of proposals for further elaboration.