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Bachelor of International Business Management

Karel de Grote University College

General info

Programme: Bachelor of International Business Management
Education type: Professional Bachelor's programme
Language: English
Study fields: Business Studies
Credits: 180 credits


Accreditation from 10/01/21 to 09/30/27

Accreditation type: Accreditation Education
Decision date: 04/20/21
NVAO number: IR21036
Comment: Verlenging op basis van positief besluit instellingsreview
Decision document: Download decision document

Accreditation from 09/01/13 to 09/30/21

Accreditation type: Accreditation Education
Decision date: 04/29/14
NVAO number: ACCR_55827_22630_3552

Accreditation from 09/01/04 to 09/30/13

Accreditation type: Transitional Accreditation
Decision date: 09/01/04
NVAO number: ACCR_55827_22629_3552
Comment: obv. Decreet betreffende de herstructurering van het hoger onderwijs in Vlaanderen